Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Marathon training long run on 1/26/13

This Saturday is my 26 mile training run in preparation for the New Orleans Rock 'n' Roll Marathon on February 24th.  I will begin paying attention to my carbohydrate intake on Wednesday, ensuring I am making an effort to eat good carbs with every meal.  I typically do pretty good, and on my 22 mile training run a few weeks ago, I had no issues with nutrition or lack thereof...thankfully. 

My nutrition intake before and during that run was this: 
  • I ate a 190 calorie rocket chocolate bar before the run, along with a cup of coffee. 
  • During the run I took in 3 or 4 gu packets and a packet of honey stinger gummies, all spaced out of course. 
  • I also had 2 - 10 oz. bottles of Accelerade, and 2 - 10 oz. bottles of water, and a service of Endurox recovery drink afterward.
Once I get this 26 miler knocked out, I think I will be less aprehensive about the actual marathon.  The 22 miler made me very sore, and after mile 19 everything hurt.  I'm trying out different shoes this time, and I'm hoping it makes a difference.  I ran the 22 miles in my Asics Gel Lytes, which were not cushioning enough for that distance in my opinion.  I did not want to wear my heavy Asics Gel Nimbus, which was why I went with the Lytes.  I've since gotten a pair of Asics Gel Excel's, which have been ok, with the exception of a little nagging pain in my right arch that comes and goes.  I'm trying to be positive and hoping there are no issues with shoes, food, or body aches...  It's a stretch I know, but my husband always tells me to think about the good in things and not focus on the negative.  He's so insightful ;)

I'll post an update after the run!